Get tangled and lost in a book!
You'll get out... eventually.
You'll get out... eventually.
Note: Old stories may not be continued, at least for a period of time
Chapter Sixteen: In Which Flake Meets Some Acquaintances
I’m coming back. Those three words echoed in Flake’s head. What? Who was coming back? Was it another dream? He tried to reply, and found that he couldn’t. Where was he, anyway? He could think, but he lost his contact with the outside world. Was he sleeping? Flake was pretty sure that wasn’t it. He never knew anyone who could think while he slept. Then again, he never met anyone who had weird meetings with Oracles either.
3/25/2017 0 Comments Chapters Fourteen and FifteenChapter Fourteen: In Which Flake Gets A Headache
In the forest, Flake was mostly following Pebbles. He had no idea what to do anyways. Was he just going to randomly walk around until he found this so-called foe? The Oracle’s instructions weren’t very clear on that part, or anything, for that matter. His best plan was to follow the horse, who seemed to be trotting along confidently in some direction. Or maybe he was even more confused than Flake was. 3/22/2017 0 Comments Chapters Twelve and ThirteenChapter Twelve: In Which The Hero Embarks On His Journey
Flake was certain Chief Frost would not let him go on a quest, or anywhere really. He knew that his father’s worries were well-founded, but he would never understand why Flake putting his life in danger was better for everyone. If he didn’t get Snow and Flint back soon (assuming they were kidnapped by the same person), a war would be on the brink of starting, which could prove fatal to everyone. It only strengthened Flake’s belief that he needed to go on the quest. 3/18/2017 0 Comments Chapters Ten and ElevenChapter Ten: In Which He Tries To Decipher A Rhyming Riddle
Flake was not overly fond of riddles. His whole life was woven into one, the prophecy, and he had many restless nights thinking about it. He wished that everything could be straightforward and simple, with a certain goal and a nice resolution. But as Flake read the letter the Oracle left him, he was certain his quest wouldn’t be simple at all. It was rhyming, and rhyming riddles were the worst. 3/18/2017 0 Comments DisclaimerThe Snowflake Chronicles a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
3/15/2017 0 Comments Chapters Eight and NineChapter Eight: In Which Chief Frost Is Alerted And An Important Message Is Revealed
The guards ran in the room. They searched everywhere, under the bed, in the closet, even under the drawers. Meanwhile, Flake was running to his dad’s room to alert him. He pushed servants, yanked on doors, and caused a bunch of fragile expensive vases to topple over. He didn’t care. His only mission was to deliver the news to his father. It was the only thing he thought about. He didn’t want to linger on Snow’s disappearance, on the dream, or anything that was troubling him. It helped to focus on one simple goal: letting Chief Frost know that his daughter had magically disappeared. 3/8/2017 0 Comments Chapters Six and SevenChapter Six: In Which Everyone Erupts In Speech
At the end of the scream, everyone starting talking at once. No- not talking, but shouting, screaming, pounding of fists too. And Snow just sat on the grass shaking. Chapter Five: In Which Chief Phoenix Makes A Horrible Request
Snow went out of the carriage just as enthusiastic as when she went in it. Flake, being tired after a thirty minute ride, trudged a few feet behind her. The chief, with North and Colden flanking him, walked next to Flake. They had stopped in the road along the edge of the Fearsome Forest*, and Snow didn’t hesitate to jump right out and go into the tangled wood. 3/4/2017 0 Comments Twice A Week!Posted by Kaylee Chan
It has occurred to me that I might not be able to post all of the story by the end of the year! Of course, we don't want to leave a cliffhanger like that! You might have noticed I am doing two chapters at a time. Well, not only am I going to be doing two chapters at a time, but also twice a week! Yes! Hopefully we will finish the story by then. The dates will probably be around Saturday and Wednesday, but sometimes I might be late or early, so if you look in on regular intervals throughout the week, more parts of the story will probably have appeared. So stay tuned, readers! 3/4/2017 0 Comments Chapters Three and FourChapter Three: In Which Snow and Flake Have Conversations, And Flake Has A Dream
“What will we do? How will we act? How does the Great Sycamore look like?* What will the chiefs talk about? Will any other kids be there? What will I wear?” Snow asked, bouncing in circles in her room. Flake was sitting on Snow’s fluffy bed, his eyes following Snow as she jumped around. “Do we sit down on comfy seats or just the ground? Will we be able to speak? Who starts the meeting? Hello? Flake, are you listening?” “Yes,” Flake said. “And my answer to all of them is I don’t know. Shouldn’t you ask Dad about that stuff?” |
AuthorsKaylee C. (Cow Chron. and TSC) Archives
September 2019
CategoriesAll Harry Potter And Prion X Snowflake Chronicles The Cow Chronicles ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |